Bringin’ in my 30th birthday with 30 things I learned this year

Yes, it’s true this Saturday I am turning 30. So today I give you my top lessons learned over this most amazing year of age 29. No fluff, just one liners…straight to you from me, complete with click to tweets on my personal fav’s.

1. Fear is best conquered when understood.

2. Asking for help is vital to creating change.

3. If you aren’t giving it all you’ve got then you might as well quit.

4. If you aren’t open to failing then you aren’t open to success.

5. If it isn’t an instant yes, then say no.

6. Giving isn’t always easy, but you certainly won’t ever regret it.

7. Focusing on your problems won’t solve them.

8. Working towards your goals requires action not talk.

9. See the problem + fix it.

10. What you do makes a difference, act like it.

11.  It ain’t all about the dolla, it’s changin’ the world that will really make you holla’.

12. If you aren’t motivated to do it, perhaps you aren’t passionate about it.

13. Time off is vital for creativity to flourish.

14. There isn’t a problem that faith can’t get you through.

15. Don’t say yes for the check.

16. Show up + serve.

17. It’s not about you.

18. Your story needs to be heard, but first you have to tell it.

19. Your ego won’t be as hurt as you think it will.

20. Speaking as if your big crazy idea has already happened is one way to make it happen.

21. Turning off notifications is the best way to get to-do lists done.

22. There will always be haters.

23. Mentors are key.

24. Connections are priceless.

25. Don’t force it (whatever IT is for you), it will come.

26. Stop being so serious.

27. SEO is NOT King.

28. Happiness is serving my clients + raising my daughter from home.

29. Invest in yourself…you are worth it.

30. Giving is the ultimate gift you can give others + yourself.


Here’s to 30,

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