How to take charge of misery + take action

Kids getting murdered.
Tornadoes tearing cities a part.
Women enslaved.

I think many of us can agree, as members of the vast human race we get emotional when others are suffering. I’m no trauma or grief counselor but for myself and perhaps many of you, it seems that we go through a stage of 3 waves of reaction that I’m sharing with you today. I find it’s very useful to be able to know and recognize these waves of reaction because ultimately it can help us as individuals and entrepreneurs find a cause we’re passionate about making a difference in and take action.


First many of us think, “are you serious?!” We sit in disbelief as we watch the horrific scene, whatever it is, move across our TV screen while a reporter breaks down what happened minute by minute. We’re in a state of disbelief that while we were at a conference, or a desk or complaining about our business or our screaming kid that THAT was happening.


After we realize what has or is happening we often go into over analyzing or questioning mode. Wondering what could have been done differently or “why did this happen“? Perhaps we question the government the meteorologist, God or ourselves. This process can go on for hours, days or years. This for me is one wave for me that can last way too long at times, I don’t suggest staying here for too long as it can drive ourselves and everyone around us a bit crazy…and could cause us to move into a period of anger. I suggest instead of getting angry move onto wave 3, but sometimes that’s easier said than done.


Problem solving is when our misery becomes our mission. We move from, “WHY?” to “What can I do about this, I have to do something!” We can problem solve with our resources, time and wisdom and it’s likely that you have plenty of at least one of these.

Being in this wave is a good place to be because our innovative ideas become solutions to problems and isn’t that what entrepreneurship is all about?

Perhaps you already have a cause or a problem that’s going on in the world that you’re passionate about or maybe the devastation in Oklahoma and throughout the midwest really hit home with you. This is why knowing and recognizing the above 3 waves of reaction are vital to you turning your misery into your mission.

Pay attention to what shocks or frustrates you and then put on your innovative problem solving hat and take action. Each and every one of us have ideas that matter and can do something to make living better for someone else, even if it’s something like this…


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I would love for you to share this with the people that matter to you that you know would truly love to put on their problem solving hat in times like these and if you want to give to the victims of the Tornados in the midwest, click here.

With prayers of peace to the midwest,


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